And the run up to the tax day protest is no exception. There’s a parade forming; get out in front of it.
Ripped fresh from the fax machine, a cute blonde reporter from Fox News Chicago stood there on camera on the April 14th 9 o’clock news with the scoop that Cook County Board President Todd Stroger was proposing a reduction of sales tax by 25%! She had no clue what she was saying and the brains behind her had no time to make sense of it by writing a script.
Actually, Todd was proposing at 0.25% drop in the sales tax, making it only a penny larger than what they charge in LA County. Oh no, Todd is the taxpayer's friend. We don’t want any signs at the tea party with his name on them.
But Obama took the “I feel your pain” approach with his 1 o’clock press conference. Yessir, the White House would have something to say about taxes to diffuse the protests.
His message? No one likes April 15th and the tax forms are too complicated. And he’s going to cut taxes (to help pay for all the money he’s handing out, I suppose).
Here is the official White House photo of the meeting, tagged by the administration as “hero_taxday.” (At least they were openly declaring their intent.):

And here we have the press conference with real Americans behind the President, standing shoulder-to-shoulder behind the man and his message:

It sort of reminds me of this photo of Blagojevich during his January 9, 2009 press conference. See all these commoners he's helped while helping himself to the power of corruption?

Where do they learn this stunt? Is it something they teach in the Chicago School of Political Games?
Reading the comments on the news articles it appears that Obama has snookered many into believing that government is good for us so we can have roads and schools.
And taxes aren't so bad. In fact, they are going down. Why, you wouldn't believe how many people are getting refunds this year.
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