Here we have the short list of Blago's choices for Obama's senate seat:
Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Update: Probably "Candidate 5" he hired a lawyer and held a press conference.
Update: Obama himself does a little backpeddling in a press conference 12/11. He no longer denies any contact but is investigating who in his staff may have talked to Blago. To his credit there wasn't even a hint of an Obama team member willing to bid for the seat. But did they report the illicit contact when it took place? Stay tuned. Axelrod's credibility is already in the toilet over his comment and retraction. BO will have to do something else there.

Update: Told the radio she was never a contender for the seat.

We certainly would like to know which ones were active bidders. It is almost certain that Jarrett was the woman the SEIU was negotiating for. No matter. Valerie took herself out of the running when she was asked to work at the White House.
You cannot say that affirmative action hasn't taken hold in the political arena in Illinois. I suppose it is a badge of honor to say that minorities have entered the corrupt inner circle of political bargaining, to the exclusion of the white/male good ole boys. Things are much better now don't you think?
It means Patrick Fitzgerald has a federal job for life!